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Blind Assistance Technology- Team Vectra | Hackaverse: Genesis | Prime IT Club

Prime College

Blind Assistance Technology- Team Vectra | Hackaverse: Genesis | Prime IT Club

Project Title: Blind Assistance Technology

Team Name: Vectra

Team Members: Ayush Shrestha, Saugat Joshi, and Rikesh Sherpa

Project Description: In contemporary society, visually impaired individuals face challenges navigating safely and independently due to inadequate assistive technologies. Our solution aims to develop an advanced environment detection system using ml and computer vision to provide real-time obstacle detection and navigation guidance, thereby enhancing mobility and independence for the visually impaired.

The project aims to address the challenge faced by visually impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings independently and safely. By developing an advanced environment detection system, integrating ml and computer vision technologies, the solution will provide real-time detection of obstacles and navigation guidance through feedback. This system aims to enhance mobility and quality of life for the visually impaired by improving their spatial awareness and ability to navigate various environments with confidence.

SDG : Sustainable Cities and Communities