Harmony in Diversity: Neeti Tamrakar’s Journey with Prime Cultural Club

Prime College

Harmony in Diversity: Neeti Tamrakar’s Journey with Prime Cultural Club

Once upon a time in the vibrant halls of Prime college, I embarked on a journey with the Prime Cultural Club, a journey that taught me the true essence of teamwork, leadership, and the joy of giving back.

It all began when I was rejected from the Prime EMC Club. Disappointment lingered momentarily, but little did I know that this rejection would be the steppingstone to an incredible adventure with the Prime Cultural Club. Fast forward, and I found myself at the helm as the president of this fantastic Club – Prime Cultural Club.

My name is Neeti Tamrakar, and I am BBA 2018 graduate of Prime College. And also, served as the President of Prime Cultural Club for the tenure of 2022/23.

My mission was clear – to guide and assist every member, ensuring a fair distribution of work and fostering a pleasant working atmosphere. “We Before I” became our mantra, a reminder that unity is our strength.

One of our proudest moments was the “Christmas (Smile for All)” event, a heartwarming celebration where students, teachers, and staff joined hands to bring joy to orphaned children. Clothing, stationery, toys – the contributions poured in, and the smiles on those little faces were priceless.

But that was just the beginning. Throughout my tenure, we organised a series of collaborative events that showcased the power of unity. “Music For Cause“, a collaboration with Chapter 25 Club then, now Prime Social Innovation Club, and “Deusi Bhailo“, a joint effort with all student clubs, were just a few highlights.
We faced challenges too, like the daunting task of organizing the Holi event when collaborations hit a roadblock. Yet, adversity only fueled our determination. The team rallied together, working tirelessly day and night to ensure the success of the event.

Our event calendar was a vibrant tapestry, featuring KTM Ploggers sessions, Dashain Changa Chait, Bhintuna Rally, and many more. Each event was a testament to the creativity, dedication, and passion of our members.

Looking forward, my ambition for the club was to celebrate diversity in all its forms – whether it’s Nepali traditions or Western cultures. I envision a club that not only organizes events but also hones the skills of its members, encouraging them to be more productive and creative.

As this chapter of my college journey unfolds, I am excited to continue to make a positive impact on my fellow club members. Here’s to the Prime Cultural Club—a family that thrives on unity, creativity, and the joy of making a difference!

Watch her story in our YouTube channel:

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