My Journey of Growth and Unforgettable Memories at Prime College | Angelique Dangol, BBM 2076 Batch

Prime College

My Journey of Growth and Unforgettable Memories at Prime College | Angelique Dangol, BBM 2076 Batch

As I sit down to reflect on my five years at Prime College, the memories come flooding back — memories of growth, learning, laughter, and challenges that have all shaped who I am today. When I first walked through those gates in 2019, I was filled with the excitement of beginning a new chapter in my life, yet I had no idea just how transformative my time here would be. Little did I know that this place would become my second home, filled with countless memories, life lessons, and, of course, the occasional scramble to meet assignment deadlines. Now, in 2024, as I get ready to bid my farewell, I can’t help but smile thinking about all the adventures along the way.

It all began with my decision to join the Prime Cultural Club. To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure what I was getting into. I thought, “Why not give it a try?”. But I never expected it to become such an integral part of my college experience. Pretty soon, the club wasn’t just a part of my schedule; it was the highlight of my week. The members became more than just friends — they became my family. We laughed, brainstormed, worked late into the night, and occasionally freaked out when things didn’t go according to plan. But we always pulled through (with last-minute improvisation, of course). We learned to trust one another, support each other, and grow as a collective.

As Event Management Director, I quickly learned that organizing events was about more than just coordinating venues and timelines. It was a crash course in teamwork, crisis management, and finding creative solutions when everything seems to go wrong. From cultural events to student seminars to CSR events, every event brought its own challenges, but they also came with a sense of accomplishment and memories that will stay with me forever. It taught me how to manage time, lead with empathy, and work under pressure.

Through the club, I also got the chance to collaborate with students from other programs, as well as juniors and seniors. Honestly, sometimes I felt like I was part of a sitcom, with our quirky mix of personalities working together. We became a tight-knit group, sharing experiences, learning from each other, and expanding our horizons. Despite the occasional chaos, it was these moments — the group brainstorming sessions, the spontaneous lunches, and the hectic preparations — that created the deepest connections and lasting friendships.

On the more “professional” side of things, I began my internship as an Office Assistant in the Faculty of Management during my 7th semester. I gained practical skills in administration, communication, and coordination, all while forming bonds with faculty members who were always willing to share their knowledge and guide me along the way. 

Now, you might think working in an office would be a pretty straightforward job, but let me tell you, it was anything but boring. I learned quickly that working behind the scenes in an academic department is like trying to keep a very delicate balancing act going. The staff and faculty were incredible, they made the entire experience not just bearable, but actually enjoyable. We had a friendly environment where learning and professionalism went hand-in-hand, and I always felt like I was part of a well-oiled machine. The office banter was a bonus, of course, because who doesn’t love a bit of comic relief while processing paperwork?

What stands out most, though, are the people. My clubmates – those crazy, brilliant, lovable individuals- became my support system. We shared everything from academic stress to late-night snack runs, and those friendships are something I’ll treasure forever. The faculty and staff I worked with weren’t just mentors, they became friends, too, always willing to lend a hand or share a funny story from their own experiences. 

In addition to the friendships, the workshops and sessions I attended over the years were instrumental in shaping my outlook. From professional development workshops to student-led discussions, each experience provided me with tools and perspectives that enriched my academic and personal life. The exposure to diverse ideas and ways of thinking broadened my understanding and made me more adaptable, open-minded, and curious.

To my juniors, a word of advice: Don’t take yourselves too seriously! College is a time to explore, laugh, make mistakes, and then laugh some more about those mistakes. Dive into every opportunity that comes your way, whether it’s joining a club, volunteering, or even attending that workshop you’re “too busy” for (trust me, it’s worth it). And don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The real growth happens when you take on challenges that scare you a little (or a lot). 

As I wrap up my time at Prime College, I do so with a deep sense of fulfillment and gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunities, the people, the experiences, and the memories that will stay with me forever. From 2019 to 2024, it’s been a roller coaster of joy, chaos, discovery, and growth. I came to Prime College as a student eager to learn, but I’m leaving as a person who has experienced much more than I ever expected. The lessons I’ve learned, both inside and outside the classroom, have prepared me not just for my future career but for life itself. I came in with big dreams, a lot of nerves, and no idea how to navigate the campus, and I’m leaving with lifelong friends, priceless experiences, and the confidence that I can handle whatever comes next.

So here’s to Prime College — the place where I discovered myself, faced my fears, and made memories that I’ll carry with me forever. And while it’s time for me to move on, the lessons, friendships, and laughter will stay with me always. Here’s to the future, and to whatever exciting, unpredictable adventures lie ahead!