Unveiling the Leadership Journey of Pramila Shrestha, President of Prime IT Club (2022-2023) | Niraj Thapa Magar

Prime College

Unveiling the Leadership Journey of Pramila Shrestha, President of Prime IT Club (2022-2023) | Niraj Thapa Magar

Posted by Niraj Thapa Magar, Coordinator of MLRC, Prime College

Pramila Shrestha, BCA, Former President of Prime IT Club

In the dynamic realm of information technology, Pramila Shrestha stands as a beacon of leadership and inspiration. As the President of Prime IT Club for the term 2022-2023, Pramila’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From her humble beginnings as a general member in 2018 to steering the club with finesse, she shares her transformative experiences and the impact she has had on the Prime IT Club.

The Ascent to Presidency
Pramila embarked on her journey as a general member, driven by a vision to one day lead the Prime IT Club. Her commitment and foresight manifested as she assumed the presidency, a moment she had envisioned since joining the club. The passion and determination radiate through her words as she reflects on the profound journey that has shaped her leadership.

Skill-IT: Transformative Events for All
Upon assuming the presidency, Pramila was resolute in her mission to organize impactful events. Recognizing the need to bridge the gap between executive and general members, she spearheaded Skill-IT, a groundbreaking series of events. By encouraging active participation and ensuring a balance between technical and soft skills, she laid the foundation for the club’s success.

Vision for Excellence
Pramila’s vision extended beyond the club’s boundaries. Her aim was not only to make Prime IT Club the best within Prime College but to garner recognition beyond. She strategically collaborated with IT companies, fostering internship opportunities for club members. The meticulous planning and commitment of the event department resulted in surpassing the listed events on the calendar, a testament to Pramila’s leadership.

Alumni Reunion: A Milestone
One of the remarkable achievements during Pramila’s tenure was the reunion of Prime IT Club alumni. Tracking down influential alumni in the tech industry, she facilitated connections with current executive members. This reunion, unprecedented in the club’s history, showcased the enduring legacy of Prime IT Club and its alumni.

Sustaining Member Engagement
Acknowledging the tendency for member involvement to wane over time, Pramila implemented strategies to keep general members engaged. Initiatives such as internal bonding sessions, futsal competitions, and hikes created a sense of belonging. By empowering members to initiate events, she ensured sustained interest and investment in the club.

Collaboration for Mutual Growth

While valuing collaboration, Pramila emphasized the importance of a balanced partnership. Despite receiving numerous collaboration invitations, she prioritized collaborations where both parties contributed equally. Recognizing the diverse objectives of clubs within Prime College, she ensured that collaborations aligned with Prime IT Club’s mission and objectives.

Leadership Philosophy
Pramila’s leadership philosophy centers on creating an environment of open communication and empowerment. She encouraged her team to express their thoughts freely, fostering a culture where everyone felt heard. Her ability to balance assertiveness with empathy ensured a harmonious relationship with her team, earning her their trust and respect.

Overcoming Adversities
In the face of continuous challenges during her tenure as President of Prime IT Club, Pramila Shrestha exemplifies resilience and leadership. From the demanding search for sponsors to the unexpected withdrawal of a workshop facilitator, each obstacle was met with unwavering determination. The most poignant challenge arose during the pre-event of the ICT Cup, marked by the tragic passing of a dear friend and past club president.

Despite personal grief, Pramila and her team chose to honor his memory by dedicating the event to him, turning adversity into a powerful display of unity. This reflective journey underscores the importance of perseverance in leadership and the ability to emerge stronger from even the darkest moments.

Legacy and Future Prospects
As Pramila concludes her term, she reflects on her accomplishments, emphasizing the importance of action over mere success metrics. Two major fundraising events, insightful sessions, and internal bonding initiatives underscore her dedication. As the club gears up for ICT Meetup 7.0, Pramila expresses confidence in her team’s future achievements.

Pramila Shrestha’s presidency at Prime IT Club is a testament to effective leadership, collaboration, and resilience. Her journey, marked by transformative events, alumni reunions, and member engagement, has set a high standard for future leaders. As she passes the baton, Pramila remains deeply connected to Prime IT Club, reinforcing its status as a second family.