Every year, the Prime Cultural Club of Prime College organizes a water distribution event at Swayambhu during the sacred month of Gunla, a significant time for Newar Buddhists. During Gunla, devotees engage in scripture recitations, fasting, and visits to places of worship, accompanied by the playing of devotional music. This month holds great importance in Newar Buddhism.
Traditionally, it is believed that in ancient times, excessive rainfall would often lead to the devastation of mud houses, floods and landslides, bringing hardship to the people. To alleviate their suffering and seek protection from such disasters, people would ascend to Swayambhu, playing devotional music as the site was situated at a higher elevation.
This year, on Saturday, August 24th, the Prime Cultural Club continued their tradition of distributing water at Swayambhu Nath. The event was organized in collaboration with the Prime Social Innovation Club and Prime Global School, demonstrating a collective effort to honor this time-honored practice.